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Squid stuffed with chard and barley

For 4 people

1 kg of fresh squid, 500 g of cooked barley with 1 teaspoon of cuttlefish's black ink, 10 dkg of blanched chard, 50 ml olive oil, 1 tablespoon of bread crumbs, 50 ml of white wine, salt, pepper

Clean the squid so that you take the head off, clean their teeth and guts. Finely chop the squid tentacles and fry them quickly in a pan on olive oil and pour with white wine. When the alcohol from the wine evaporates, add the cooked barley, chard, bread crumbs and season it with salt and pepper. Stuff the squid bodies with this mixture and close their openings with a toothpick. Put these filled squids in a baking tin sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 200˚ C for about 20 minutes.

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