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Antique salad with squid and beans

For 4 people

800 g of squid, 50 g of cooked cicerchia beans, 50 g of cooked chickpeas, 3o g of cooked barley, 1 tablespoon of sun dried tomatoes chopped into strips, 2 tablespoons of domestic baked olives, 10 dkg of the crescents chopped onions, 100 ml of sherry, 100 ml olive oil, 3 table spoons of vinegar, a pinch of oregano salt or chopped salted anchovy, salt, pepper

Clean the squid guts and tooth from the head. Now cut the bodies of squids into thin slices and fry them together with the heads on the pan in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Season with salt and pour with sherry. When the alcohol has evaporated, remove the squid from the heat and place them in a large bowl. Now add the barley, cicerchia beans chickpeas, sundried tomatoes, olives, onions, olive oil, vinegar, sprinkle it with oregano and add salt and black pepper. The salad must be seasoned and served cold.

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